1. I take my refuge in the Vow of Amida Buddha. Reciting Namo-Amidabutsu, let us life life to the utmost with strength and joy.
2. I look to the Light of Amida Buddha. Constantly reflecting upon myself, let us strive to live a life of gratitude.
3. I shall follow the Teaching of Amida Buddha. Awakening to the right path, let us share the true Dharma with others.
4. I rejoice in the Compassion of Amida Buddha. Mutually respecting and aiding each other, let us endeavor to work for the good of all.
1. み仏の誓いを信じ 尊いみ名をとなえつつ強く明るく生き抜きます
Mihotoke no chikai wo shinji, tōtoi mina wo tonae
tsutsu, tsuyoku akaruku ikinukimasu.
2. み仏の光をあおぎ 常にわが身をかえりみて感謝のうちに励みます
Mihotoke no hikari wo aogi, tsuneni wagami wo
kaerimite, kansha no uchini hagemimasu.
3. み仏の教えにしたがい 正しい道を聞きわけてまことのみのりをひろめます
Mihotoke no oshie ni shitagai, tadashii michi wo
kikiwakete, makoto no minori wo hiromemasu.
4. み仏の恵を喜び 互いにうやまい助け合い社会のために尽くします
Mihotoke no megumi wo yorokobi, tagaini uyamai tasukeai, syakai no tameni tsukushimasu.